About Us

Years Of Foundation
About MomsInLA
Established in 2017, MomsinLA has been serving the San Gabriel Valley’s local immigrant families with information on where to play, where to learn, and where to spend quality times together. MomsinLA combines all of the relevant content information in a translated format (in Chinese) for all of our community members.
MomsinLA continues to be a leading non-profit organization (501(C)(3)) for enriching family values through both online and offline events that are tailored to the local immigrant families’ needs.
洛杉矶妈妈群成立于 2017 年,一直为圣盖博谷的当地移民家庭提供去哪玩和去哪学的信息平台。同时会结合当地社区领袖和商家举办各类线上和线下等活动来给华人家庭添加生活的乐趣。
- 2016年12月创立,501c(3)非营利机构
- 平台包括官网,微信公众号,微信社群,及手机app
- 公众号平台每日提供亲子活动咨询,目前已有19000会员(截止11/1/2021)
- 微信社群共计46个, 包括教育群, 租凭群, 吃货群, 二手交易群, 团购群, 英语学习群等。
- 线下活动包括六一儿童节,魔术秀,姜饼屋制作,知识论谈等。线上课程包括儿童牙科,幼童学琴,音乐启蒙,保险理财 考驾照,儿童心理健康,中文学习等。
Charitable Donation
MomsinLA accepts donations all kinds that will benefit our local community members. MomsinLA will pick up your donations and distribute them to our communities through organized Charity Run.
All donations will receive Tax-Deductible Donation Receipts at the items’ value. Please contact zhen@momsinla.com if you have any items you would like to donate.
妈妈群接受各类以个人或企业名义的实物或现金捐赠。妈妈群可以协助来领取捐赠的物质并发放给当地的家庭。所有的捐赠都会收到妈妈群的非盈利机构抵税单。若有任何捐赠物资,请联系 zhen@momsinla.com